Barber Trucking transporting The Wall That Heals

The Wall That Heals

History of The Wall That Heals

On Veterans Day 1996, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) unveiled a half-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C, to travel to communities throughout the United States. Since its dedication, The Wall That Heals has been in nearly 600 communities throughout the nation. This spreads the shrine’s healing legacy to millions.

Bringing The Wall home to communities throughout our country allows the souls enshrined on the Memorial to exist once more among family and friends in the peace and comfort of familiar surroundings. The traveling exhibit provides thousands of veterans, unable to cope with the prospect of facing The Wall in D.C., find the strength and courage to do so in their community. Thus allowing the healing process to begin.

The Wall That Heals project involves transporting a 53-foot trailer with a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial as a part of a mobile education center. Barber is proud to assist this shrine along the way to educating America. 58,281 men and women made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam. The Wall honors over three million Americans who served during the war.

Team Barber Lends a Hand

For over five years, Barber Trucking has been involved in The Wall That Heals project. Barber became involved with the project from the Truckload Carriers Association. Barber Trucking's owners, Joe and John, are both huge supporters of the military and veterans. We also have several veterans working here. Barber commits to helping out and giving back.

Benjy Smith, Barber's Operations Manager, spoke with Courier Express in May 2022 to celebrate the fifth year Barber transported The Wall. Check out the article on the Courier Express website to read more.

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Barber Trucking transporting The Wall That Heals
The Wall That Heals
For over five years, Barber Trucking has been involved in The Wall That Heals project. Barber became involved with the project from the Truckload Carriers Association. Barber Trucking's owners, Joe and John, are both huge supporters of the military and veterans. We also have several veterans working here. Barber commits to helping out and giving back.
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